Thursday, November 15, 2007

buyer beware

The short story is that I've just "lost" almost $2000 to a bloke that was supposed to build me a new computer, but instead (as I've since discovered) decided to push my money into a poker machine or inject it up his arm. Nice.

The long story is that the man from the respectable-looking computer shop (which had been in operation for a number of years and which had been recommended to me) insisted that an upfront payment was necessary and *normal* for many smaller computer suppliers. Against my better judgement, I did pay him up front. and then I waited. and waited and waited.

No computer.

Each time it was a different excuse.

So when in desperation I turned to the Queensland Office of Fair Trading, I was dismayed to discover that the computer guy had done a bunk with my money (more to the point, he'd spent the money on things other than computer parts and then left town when those people started wanting some answers).
Apparently its very hard to either convince a person to refund money or serve a notice to appear in a small claims court on somebody who has left no forwarding address, so I'm left with a bitter taste and no money ... and no computer.

So I hearby ask karma to pay a visit to one David Anthony Fels variously trading as CND or CPU Computers, formerly of Wynnum, Queensland (who may now reside in Canberra). I hope he can't sleep at night.

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